Intermedia with Moorefield

December 1st, 2016

The largest project for me in 2016 was another chance to collaborate with composer Virgil Moorefield. Like in 2014, I worked for months in advance of the proposed performance dates to achieve some of the effects Virgil wanted. Most of this preliminary work centered on programing for a Microsoft Kinect gaming system so that it […]

LowkeyNW now in Package Manager

April 14th, 2016

In a recent update to Max, Cycling ’74 introduced the new Package Manager as an easier way for users to download third-party add-ons to their local machine. For the last few weeks, I have been consulting with Tim Place and Andrew Benson to make some improvements and additions to my own package on GitHub (including […]

Stetson Coding Workshop

April 8th, 2016

This spring semester, I once again lead our Digital Arts juniors in a service learning project at the local Boys & Girls Club. The Stetson students designed a game that could be used to introduce key programming concepts to the kids at the club using Processing. In addition, they were responsible for documenting their work […]